A testimonial about our film scanning....

"BEFORE" is another service provider.  "AFTER" is the customer's screen shots from our transfer, Lifetime Heritage Films.

"BEFORE" is another service provider.  "AFTER" is the customer's screen shots from our transfer, Lifetime Heritage Films.

A few months ago a customer, Kieran McGreal of Vancouver, wrote a testimonial that I'd like to share.

"Lifetime Heritage Films did a wonderful job scanning my Super 8 film into HD.

I had previously overpaid a company to do low-res video transfers using outdated telecine techniques. The results were akin to someone projecting my film onto a dirty bath towel, and then videotaping the projection with an early 90's camcorder. Having never shot Super 8, I just assumed that's what it was supposed to look like. Wrong.

Suffice to say I was blown away when I got my scans back from LHF.

My Ektachrome looked like what I would expect from Ektachrome;

Instead of a washed out, blown out mess, I finally got to see the robust latitude of my film. The difference was so comically extreme that I had to include screen captures."